Sunday, November 30, 2008

Back from Tampa

We just got back from Florida land and Nekki's parents. They always take good care of us - and feed us to the brim. That's one wild family, but It's awesome how they love to praise and thank God. They have been blessed. It's obvious. Many people that have been blessed so quickly forget to turn, bow, and praise God for it.

We went down to celebrate Thanksgiving ... but to these guys everyday is Thanksgiving - the only difference was one dry turkey.

Nekki put it the best way when jokingly she told me, "Yeah it was aweful! We had to go through the trouble of opening one of two garage doors, backing up one of 6 vehicles in the driveway just to open the second freezer to get out the multiple bags of leftover food. Oh, the horror!"

Even though I was under the weather for the entire trip, I got my think on. The creative side of my brain has been working overtime as of late. It started I believe with studying the parable of the talents ... long story short - wasting talent. I meditated on what God had blessed me with and realized I was "hiding my master's money." Time to repent and start using what the good Lord gave me.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Serve to Lead

Matthew 20:25-28 (New Century Version)

25 Jesus called all the followers together and said, "You know that the rulers of the non-Jewish people love to show their power over the people. And their important leaders love to use all their authority. 26 But it should not be that way among you. Whoever wants to become great among you must serve the rest of you like a servant.27 Whoever wants to become first among you must serve the rest of you like a slave. 28 In the same way, the Son of Man did not come to be served. He came to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many people."

Enough said, right? Struck a nerve ... thought I'd share

Monday, November 3, 2008

Well done good and faithful servant

The words above all others I ever desire to hear. These words have been with me nearly my entire life. They come from the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30). This is the one where the master gives 3 servants different amount of talents. When the master came back to settle accounts, the one with 5 now had 10 and the one with 2 now had 4. He spoke these amazing words to them both, and added "you have been faithful over little. I will set you over much." The servant to whom he gave but 1 talent went and buried his. When asked to give account he blasphemed his master with ridiculous logic. He was found wicked and slothful. So his talent was taken and given to the servant with many. "Even what he has will be taken away." A huge lesson - sometimes the most evil thing we can do is nothing.

I often feel I've been hiding my master's money. I know I'm guilty of squandering "talent". The good, comforting news is "if our few talents be rightly used, neither our own conscience nor our Master's judgement shall condemn us for not having more." - Charles Spurgeon

I pray to hear those words from the mouth of God one day ... "Well done, good and faithful servant." Nothing else could ever fulfill me more.


I feel I'm prime for remotivation. Time for new goals and a renewed focus. Just feeling stagnant lately - wondered why - looked around and realizing I was hitting my target .... cause I was aiming for nothing. New Goals - call it early resolutions. Here's my 1st draft:

• Spend at least half an hour every day meditating on God’s word (not
including prayer).
• Create a categorized book of quotes, ideas, and illustrations
• Write a book – Christian themed – Publish
• Get a copy of dad’s songs – re-record, release, etc.
• Out of Debt (everything but house) 2012 or sooner
• Healthy Living
- Research & implement diet
- Daily exercise (be creative – change at least every 2 months)
- Add seasonal sports
- Replace old habits with new healthy ones - the best way to get rid of weeds
is to plant crops
- 1st Goal: 25% BF and under 210lbs
• Always Plan Tomorrow
• Purchase a pick-up truck by June 2009
• Read a book/mo.
• Write a new song/mo.
• Learn a new song/mo. (focus on worship songs)
• Find a mentor
• Family Biz – 2012 or sooner
• Own a home – between 2010 and 2014