Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Something New

It's in front of me ... there, but unstable. He wants me to step on it. "Have Faith. Trust!" He says. I work hard to build it more sturdy. The clock is ticking. "Step Out!" He shouts again. I look behind me. What once seemed confining ... restrictive, now appears warmer ... even welcoming. Should I go back? I feel a nudge. Someone else looks at my new unfinished platform and comments on it's beauty. I set my eyes on it once more but I can picture it giving way to chaos. "Trust Me!" I hear again. I crouch down - elbows between knees - head between hands - hair between fingers. Stress, stress, stress. "Stop Worrying" He whispers, "I'm right here." I hang my foot out over the precipice, take a deep conscious breath, exhale, stepping ...