Friday, June 28, 2013

Little Choo Choo's

You know you're a dad when you are well on your way home from work or school and turn around and drive all the way back because you suddenly realize you've dropped your son's prized choo-choo in the parking lot. When you return, you are anxious with anticipation: Is it still there? Did it get run over? Then comes the cathartic "Heck Yeah!" when you find it unharmed. It's amazing the scope of emotions we can go through over a ten cent toy. Why? It doesn't mean much to me. BUT ... it does to someone we love. Some of the greatest feelings of accomplishment and failure I have ever experienced have come over how I have handled the little, seemingly insignificant things in life, work, relationships, etc. Attention to detail doesn't just show you are a "detail-oriented" person but that you are a "person-oriented" person. Where's that in our society today?

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