Monday, January 24, 2011

God's Children in Chains

My morning study of John Bevere's Extraordinary series lead me to a side section in the workbook called BREAK FREE FROM HABITUAL SIN!. It spoke to me. Here's what he had to say about breaking the pattern of sin and its dominion in our lives.

ADMIT you have a problem. Call sin, sin; agree with God that it's wrong, and repent.

SUBMIT yourself to God. Humble yourself and receive His inexhaustible grace continually.

COMMIT yourself to the Word. Saturate yourself in specific scriptures that counter the conduct you want to be free from.

PRAY & SAY the Word over your life and against the enemy as needed throughout the day.

ANSWER to someone trustworthy. Be accountable to someone who loves you enough not to condone your sin or condemn you when you fall, someone who will confront you in love.

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