He is faithful to keep His word.
Numbers 23:19
God is not a man. he doesn't deal with weakness like lying. There is nothing He says that He doesn't make good on.
Psalms 18:30
The Word of God is tried and proven. His way is blameless. He is my shield and I can take refuge in Him.
Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth could pass away, but God's words never will.
Friends, family, parents, spouses ... they are not perfect. They WILL fail. They WILL disappoint. They WILL mess up. They WILL hurt you. We will be abandoned by people we care about. Some of us will endure unspeakable pain because of people close to us. This creates distrust in our hearts ... but God can be trusted. He can heal those wounds.
The reason some people have such a hard time trusting God is because people close to them have failed them countless times. They have no good example to go by. By taking refuge in God we can guard our hearts from being jaded. We can put our trust in Him and not in people. He gives us the character and strength to forgive and to remain truly secure in Him.
Everyone may fail you.
God will not fail you.