I was given some new revelation this weekend about God's original (and only) plan. It has to do with first fruits, counting of the Omer, and God's order and purpose. God has Plan "A". He does not have and never will have a Plan "B". God chose the nation of Israel. He didn't choose them because they were better or bigger. He chose them to complete His Plan "A".
We are in the first month of the Jewish calendar Nisan. We are in the season of celebrating the passover, the resurrection, and Pentecost. Counting the Omer is a God-given command that lasted 49 days every single year. It begins tomorrow. An omer was a measurement of the first fruit of the barley harvest brought to the temple on the day after passover. The commandment of the barley omer served to remind Israel that the land and its produce belonged first to God. The produce of the land could not be enjoyed until God had received his due. Until the barley omer was harvested and offered in the Temple, the rest of the crops were not deemed kosher.
The Counting of the Omer is a count down to Shavuot, the time of giving of the Torah and the time of the giving of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost). As such, it is a spiritual journey of preparation. It is a journey which is begun with Passover, the symbol of our Salvation in Yeshua (Jesus), and completed at Pentecost, the symbol of our completion through the Spirit. The distance of days between the two events should be a time of spiritual reflection, growth, purification and preparation. The Master's resurrection makes the counting of the Omer a season of special significance and joy. For his disciples, it is a time to remember the resurrected Yeshua (Jesus). All of his post-resurrection appearances fell within the days of the Omer count.
Counting the Omer continues the cycle in a believer's life of "working out their salvation" (Phil 2:12)
But there is more ...
We modern day Christians have lost much of the Jewish understanding of our faith. This is partially due to the edicts of the early church. The council of Nicea declared that believers would not be allowed to commemorate Passover but would observe instead the resurrection on a new holiday called Easter.
Here's the deal, God has one plan and that plan involves and always has involved the nation of Israel. It's all over His word, old and new testament: "To the Jew first and also to the Gentile" (Romans 1:16). It's not that His salvation is given to the Gentile INSTEAD of the Jew but after and because of the Jews.
In the counting of the Omer, God promised that if the people obediently brought their first fruits to Him, He would bless them with the harvest. Well, it all has to do with God's purpose and order to things. The Jewish nation is no better that any other nation just as husband is no better than wife ... but there is a God-given order to things and we do have God-given duties. The nation of Israel was chosen to be the first fruits. Until they turn back to God and receive salvation ... we will not receive the harvest - Christ's second coming.
Generations change, but God and His plan do not. Starting in the 1960's the Messianic Jewish movement began to move. We are seeing prophecy fulfilled right before our eyes yet we miss it altogether. Our prayers and hearts should be directed to the nation of Israel. We are the kings and queens (those confident and mature in their faith) that must help lift the nation of Israel to be grafted back into Abraham's tree. Romans 11 has never come so alive. "Some of the people of Israel have hard hearts, but this will last only until the full number of Gentiles comes to Christ. And so all Israel will be saved" (Romans 11:25-26).
"For since their (Israel's) rejection meant that God offered salvation to the rest of the world, their acceptance will be even more wonderful. It will be life for those who are dead!" - Romans 11:15
God is moving in Israel! It has begun. Prepare yourselves my brothers and sisters and pray for Israel!